Welcome to the Baltimore Shambhala Center

The Baltimore Shambhala Meditation Center is part of an international community of urban meditation and rural retreat centers founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Our center offers daily public meditation, a curriculum of Shambhala Buddhist teachings, as well as training in contemplative arts. We invite you to explore our diverse programs designed to help Baltimoreans of all traditions discover their inherent clarity, gentleness and humor.

Upcoming Programs

Nyinthün Meditation Retreat & Community Meeting

December 7th

Please join us for a morning of meditation practice, followed by a community meeting in which we'll continue our exploration of who and how we wish to be as a community. In person (with a potluck lunch) at Hart Hall at 6112 York Road and on Zoom. Continue »

Meditation@33rd (In Person & Online)

December 14th—December 28th

Meditation@33rd offers an intimate space in which to practice sitting meditation & to reflect on one's experience of meditation with others. Instruction provided to anyone new to meditation. Join us in person on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of every month. Continue »

“Bring Me the Rhinoceros” Book Study Group (In Person & Online)

December 19th

Please join us on Thursday evenings as we explore koan practice through John Tarrant’s book, Bring Me the Rhinoceros & Other Zen Koans That Will Save Your Life. This week, we'll be meeting both in person at Cedarcroft Center at 6112 York Road and on Zoom. Continue »

Winter Solstice Meditation Retreat (In Person)

with Chris Kreeger

December 26th—January 1st (2025)

As we move past the winter solstice and the energy of holiday festivities, into the closing of this year and the opening of the next, come deepen your meditation practice by attending just one day or all 7 days of our Winter Solstice meditation retreat. Continue »

Nurturing the World Through Opening One’s Heart: Practices from Tsoknyi Rinpoche (Online)

with Jerry Webster

January 7th—February 4th (2025)

This 5-week class will explore a new approach to traditional meditative teachings and methods developed by Tsoknyi Rinpoche. There will be ample opportunity to work directly with these practices and discuss how they can be integrated into our lives. Continue »