Welcome to the Baltimore Shambhala Center

The Baltimore Shambhala Meditation Center is part of an international community of urban meditation and rural retreat centers founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Our center offers daily public meditation, a curriculum of Shambhala Buddhist teachings, as well as training in contemplative arts. We invite you to explore our diverse programs designed to help Baltimoreans of all traditions discover their inherent clarity, gentleness and humor.

Upcoming Programs

Nyinthün Meditation Retreat: Working with Hope and Fear in Times of Uncertainty (In Person)

with Autumn Van Ord & Paul Benson & Gail Spiva

October 5th

Enjoy the energy and support of practicing meditation with others in our half-day meditation retreat! This month, as the U.S. election approaches, we will be exploring a theme of how to work with hope and fear in times of uncertainty. Continue »

Meditation@33rd (In Person & Online)

October 12th

Meditation@33rd offers an intimate space in which to practice sitting meditation & to reflect on one's experience of meditation with others. Instruction provided to anyone new to meditation. Join us in person on the 2nd Saturday of this month. Continue »

“Bring Me the Rhinoceros” Book Study Group (In Person & Online)

October 24th

Please join us on Thursday evenings as we explore koan practice through John Tarrant’s book, Bring Me the Rhinoceros & Other Zen Koans That Will Save Your Life. This week, we'll be meeting both in person at Cedarcroft Center at 6112 York Road and on Zoom. Continue »